Friday, February 27, 2009

DC Youth Advisory Council Members Sworn In by Mayor Fenty

Last night, over 100 parents, friends, and family members looked on as members of the 2008-2009 District of Columbia Youth Advisory Council (DCYAC) were sworn in by Mayor Adrian. M. Fenty. Fourty-six youth (32 council members and 14 Ward Advisors) representing Wards 1-8, the juvenile justice, and foster care systems took a pledge to advocate for youth in the District for a two year term. Those in attendance had an opportunity to learn more about the DCYAC, network, and have their pictures taken with Mayor Fenty. On behalf of the entire DCYAC staff, thank you to everyone who attended. We look forward to an amazing year! For more information about the DCYAC visit

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

DCYAC Elects New Executive Board

Pictured from left to right: (back row) Andre Nichols, Phillip Martin, Tyrell Holcomb, Jesse Pollak, Tierra Glymph. (front row) Asha Stephens, Sidney-Sands Ramshaw, Cleo Abram, Connell Wise.

The new Executive Committee Members and Sub Committee Members are responsible for the public service responsiblities. They communicate regularly with other youth to identify and understand the myraid of issues, concerns, and challeges that children, teens, and young adults face today. They will be responsible for formulating policies stances and debate them with their fellow DC Youth Advisory Council (DCYAC) members at regularly scheduled meetings, and they present their ideas and policy solutions to the community's elected leadership and other tribal government officials. The officers' position are as following:

EXCUTIVE COMMITEE MEMBERS- Chairperson- Tyrell Holcomb; Vice Chairperson- Phillip Martin; Secretary- Asha Stephens; Treasurer- Tierra Glymph; Parliamentarian- Sidney- Sands Ramshaw.

SUB COMMITTEES- Employment-Jesse Pollak; Public Safety- Lanae Gaines; Health and Human Services- Cleo Abram; Education- Andre Nichols

Last night DC Youth Advisory Council members elected new officers for the 2008-2009 year.

Monday, February 9, 2009

DCYAC Seeks New Council Members!

The DC Youth Advisory Council (DCYAC) is seeking youth who are passionate about making a difference in their community to join today! We are currently looking for youth to serve as At-Large council members and as representative for Wards 1, 2, and 6. At-Large councilmembers have experience in the juvenile justice or foster care system and the Ward representatives must currently reside in that particular Ward. We work with dynamic youth from across the city are and looking for young people who are hard working, dedicated to creating change, and who will advocate for those who cannot do so for themselves. If you are interested or know someone who is apply online today at Contact us at or 202.727.7966 if you have any questions.

Parents of DCYAC Councilmembers

Parents of DCYAC Councilmembers

Mayor Fenty with one of the Councilmembers

Mayor Fenty with one of the Councilmembers

DCYAC Chairman

DCYAC Chairman
DCYAC Chairman Phil Martin speaking

DCYAC Directors Sean Gough and Sarah Williams with councilmember

DCYAC Directors Sean Gough and Sarah Williams with councilmember

some of the DCYAC Members

some of the DCYAC Members

DCYAC Councilmembers about to make their speech

DCYAC Councilmembers about to make their speech

DCYAC Councilmember Tiara speaking

DCYAC Councilmember Tiara speaking

Mayor Adrian Fenty

Mayor Adrian Fenty
Mayor Adrian Fenty speaking at closing event

DCYAC Councilmember speaking

DCYAC Councilmember speaking

DCYAC Closing Ceremony 2010

DCYAC Closing Ceremony 2010
Ward 2 Council Member, Ryan Washigton w/Ward 7 Council Member Deandre Horne working on the guest list.